De la luz y del espacio
In few days it will be occurred the world premiere of our new piece, De la luz y del espacio, in Busan, South Korea. The music has been realized by Ángel Arranz.
About the visual aspect, the piece is inspired on the 3D plans of the building and a series of gestural suggestions, which start from the musical part. About the music, there is a particular idea of approaching the building through capturing the spaces at silence. The composer self told about the techniques were used:
Ángel went around the winery with the aim of crystallize diverse spaces’s resonances. The extracted sounds conformed the main material for the piece De la luz y del espacio, by using filtered sounds of the specific spaces of the building as a metaphor of the light program deployed by the architects through the winery design.
Capturing the spaces at Bodegas Qumran, un álbum en Flickr.