Monday, Jan 13, 2025

[re]xperimenting MUSAC

The DK <projection> will present the works callingHiggs and Toposonia within a series of activities centered on the subject of spatial music, during the International Museum Day 2014 at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León (MUSAC), León – Spain.

On Saturday, May 17th at 21.00 hours the activities start with the workshop on sound creation for cell phones given by Ángel Arranz. To participate, the only requirement is to bring a smartphone or tablet. At 22.00 hours, the performance for cell phones and acousmatic music callingHiggs will take place with the participation of the workshop attendees and anyone willing to join in.

On Sunday, 18th May at 12.30 hours there will be a projection of the video of the performance Toposonia, a sound intervention with the participation of more than 100 musicians, premiered exactly one year before, during the festival Peñafiel Milenio 2014. After the projection, and by way of a commentary to the two days, the audience will be given the opportunity to ask questions or talk about the performance. The percussion player Katsunori Nishimura and the composer Ángel Arranz will be present.

With regard to the philosophy of the proposed program, The DK <projection> aims to continue an universal artistic interdisciplinary tradition which relates architecture and music, whose trail starts in Europe in Florence in the year 1436 with the collaboration between the architect Brunelleschi and the master chapel Dufay. At a strictly sociological level, the collective understands public participation as a means, metaphor and revulsive able to provoke significant changes in the societies.

Link to the project callingHiggs 


Link to the project Toposonia 


Link to the website of MUSAC