Tuesday, Feb 11, 2025

Audio-DH The Hague

Tomorrow it will be presented in The Hague the project produced by the collective iii Audio-DH: sonic manifestation of 250 creators from Den Haag/The Hague. Directed by Francisco López and coordinated by Barbara Ellison, they both invited to participate with some piece. So, for this special occasion I have reformulated some ideas of a recent electronic piece of mine, Istruzione – agitazione – spazio/luce. Omaggio a Nono. You may want to be more about this piece here.

There will be a presentation concert at 19.30 in Korzo Theater, Prinsestraat 42, The Hague (NL), where you could listen to this massive proposal of music. Probably you could also acquire this fancy pendrive card with all the tracks exhibited aboard! Anyway, you have all the info about this amazing project and tons of amazing electronic music for free in the official website:
